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The Beta Sigma Chapter of
Alpha Phi Alpha
Fraternity, Inc.
Beta Sigma is the only chapter in the history of
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. to
win "CHAPTER OF THE YEAR" a total 4 times.
1956, 1959, 1983, and 1986.
The history and legacy of the 61st chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha and one of the oldest chapters in the state of Louisiana is one that begins with the hard work and intense drive of the charter members. The interested men of Southern University, at that time, had many hurdles to overcome in order to bring Alpha Phi Alpha to the deeply racist south, but more importantly, to the deepest and most racist state in the south. During that time the granting of charters was a complicated process. One must show that there is sufficient interest in a the fraternity to insure its' longevity on the campus, as well as prove that the potential university was "worthy" of the nation's premier organization for young black leaders. This was not as formidable a task for many predominately white and ivy league schools since many of the schools' reputations preceded them. For Historically Black Colleges and Universities, however, interested young men had their work cut out for them. This is why the introduction of Beta Sigma chapter to Southern University was so important, not only to Alpha Phi Alpha, but to the campus of Southern University. It showed the nation that Southern was not only one of the premier colleges in the south, but in the nation and a bastion of black academia.
Today the men of Beta Sigma continue to uphold the light through various programs such as:
Alpha Phi Alpha Health Fair, Miss Black and Gold Scholarship Pageant, Campus Clean-up, Let's Talk About Sex Forum and various others. Since 1936, the men of the
Beta Sigma chapter continue to prove that,
"First of all, Servants of all, We shall Transcend All."